6 ianuarie 2018

Tic Tac

It's time! 

Forget time, live and enjoy, don't think about when and why, just have fun for now. Hours become days, days become weeks, weeks become years and years finally become decades. And then you wake up and realize time is just a memory now and there is none left for you. Your life is reversed and decades are just moments that flash through your tired mind as you close your eyes. You may forget about time, but time never forgets about you. The stalking thief is always stealing something: your youth, your memories, your dearest friends, until finally it has nothing else to take but your life. 

So is time your friend, is he your enemy or is he just a witness to your demise.  

Time ...it goes like sand. Can't belief it sometimes. Have many yesterdays, hope I have a lot of tomorrows.

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