10 septembrie 2012


Every time I open my eyes to this world I realize how blind I am. Somewhere in my head I always see people… They are passing by me and even if I try to grab onto them they just never stop, never look around, they never open their eyes. So each night, again and again, I find myself running through this colorless crowd of people. None of them walks to the right or left they all walk back and forth on the same rode never changing directions. It’s lonely.

When will I wake up from this dream?  

Do I need to close my eyes?

Do I need to become like them so they will see me?

 Is it that impossible to open their eyes to this reality I see or is it in fact me the blind one?

Again, tonight, I sit here lost in this crowd of people that never change. Ah, I see, so that what being human is all about. Narrow minded they think they use their eyes to know and discover this world but in reality their desires and greed blind them. Always one the same rode, saying they are different, they just lost their way long ago. 

picture by Hayuko

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